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Darren Schlosser

Sergeant in Auto Theft Division – Vehicle Fraud Unit
Houston Police Department

Sergeant Darren Schlosser has been in law enforcement for nearly 26 years and currently supervises the Houston Police Department – Auto Theft Division – Vehicle Fraud Unit.  Their focus is primarily criminal investigations involving suspects who use fraudulent identifications to purchase vehicles at dealerships.  Sergeant Schlosser has created a partnership with Greater Houston area dealerships to enhance the relationship between law enforcement and dealerships to combat vehicle finance fraud.  Sergeant Schlosser has created vehicle finance fraud training that has been presented to over 4,000 dealership industry employees.  Sergeant Schlosser has also created a curriculum for training law enforcement and has been asked to present this unique program of collaboration with the dealership industry in the major cities across Texas.  His program focuses on dealership personnel training, Dealer Alert bulletins, and rapid response to Fraud-in-Progress situations when criminals are actively inside a dealership presenting fraudulent ID’s while attempting to purchase vehicles.  This program has resulted in 159 incidents where suspects have been arrested during the Fraud-in-Progress attempt preventing $8.3 million dollars in fraudulent purchases. 


Sergeant Schlosser has recently been appointed by Greg Abbott, The Govenor or Texas, to be a Board Member of the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles as the law enforcement representative.