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Compliance experts to discuss strategy at Auto Finance Summit 2024 

Auto Finance News is pleased to announce that industry experts Michael Benoit, James Nance and Kenneth Rojc will lead a discussion on long-term strategies for better compliance at 4:15 p.m. PT on Tuesday, Oct. 8, during Auto Finance Summit 2024, returning Oct. 7-9 at Wynn Las Vegas.  

View the full event agenda here.  

The session will dive into topics such as an uptick in regulatory oversight on dealers, servicing and collection practices, and scrutiny of ancillary product sales practices.  

Meet the panelists  

Michael Benoit, partner at law firm Hudson Cook, serves in the firm’s Washington office and advises banks, sales finance companies, auto dealers, leasing companies, creditors and technology providers on a wide range of consumer financial services law. Benoit is also a member of several industry trade associations, including the American Financial Services Association. 

James Nance, chief compliance officer and general counsel at Arivo Acceptance, joined Arivo in August 2023 after nearly six years as counsel at technology products retailer Skullcandy, according to his LinkedIn profile. Nance’s legal experience spans more than 20 years. At Arivo, Nance oversees several departments, including legal, compliance, policy writing, operations, and funding. He advises and consults with the board on compliance matters, outstanding claims and litigation, and internal investigations. 

Kenneth Rojc is the managing partner of the law firm Nisen & Elliott’s Automotive Finance Group. The group represents banks, captive finance companies and independent lenders in matters related to motor vehicle finance, lease and loan transactions. He is also a member of the legal committee of the Association of Consumer Motor Vehicle Lessors. 

Auto Finance Summit, the premier industry event for auto lending and leasing, returns Oct. 7-9 at Wynn Las Vegas. To learn more about the 2024 event and register, visit www.AutoFinanceSummit.com.